Welcome to the Team "BёLL"
Thank you very much for joining our Team.
Welcome to the Team "BёLL". We are happy to have you here.
I am 莉鈴 (Ririn) the Team Leader.
If you have any questions or opinions about the team, I'm the person to speak to.
An overview of this team has been written under this, please make sure to have a look at it.
If you have any question regarding game play, leveling up, or just need a tip feel free to ask.
〇This team is basically a laid back kind of team.
〇This team does not force you to greet everyone who comes and goes.
The reason for this is that the game makes it hard to chat while in battle, and that sometimes there are players who are playing on a PS4 or other systems withouth keyboards.
〇Collecting Team point is not forced on players;
But the more you collect, the more we can give back to everybody.
〇There are no restrictions on the Team Tree, feel free to use it anytime.
〇Every month there will be a Team event going on, these events also serves as Team members getting to know each other.
So feel free to join anytime (we would be happy if you do!).
〇Team events will be announced in this website.
〇There are times where we will go to Urgent Quests as a Team; and during those times there will be a chat to gather members in team chat.
Feel free to join anytime!
<Guidelnes for joining Scheduled Urgent Quest as a Team>
・Expert will usually be turned off.
・If the urgent quest gathering chat does not specify a difficulty, it is always the highest difficulty.
・You are not forced to join, feel free to join when you feel like it.
・If you wish to join one of these, please type in "Me" in Team chat; But if you can type in Japanese ”ノ” will always be better.
・The gathering call will usually start 1 hour before the Urgent Quest. Please be at the gathering spot 15 minutes before the Urgent Quest starts.
〇If a fellow Team member is in a quest, and has the "Team member only" on, please feel free to Join that Party.
And if you don't mind fellow Team members joining your party, feel free to put a check on that "Team member only."
〇The Team has a specific Password for team parties. When your making a party with a Team, please be sure to use that password.
*Passwords are on the team login message. (This is usually used during Scheduled Urgent Quest as a team.)
〇The Team storage is used as a Shared Asset, so use without permission is prohibited.
Please ask the Leader, or one of the managers, for permission before using.
〇Any item that has been put into the Team storage without permission will be disposed, no matter how expensive that item was.
〇If an iteam has been taken from the Team storage without permission, you will be banned from using the Team storage.
〇There are Team Voice chat(will be abbreviated to VC) rooms in the Team Discord.
Note that Most players will be speaking Japanese in these VCs.
〇No one is forced to join a VC, feel free to join anytime.
〇The main communication will still be through the team chat.
The VC will mostly be used for specific quests, such as Challenge quests and Arenas.
〇Just because you joined a VC does not mean you are forced to turn you mic on. You can still join even if you're only listening.
When you join a VC, you are not forced to have your mic on. This is because some people are in situations in which they can't turn their mic on.
〇The Discord is also used for people who are unable to use keyboards, such as PS4 players without keyboards, to communicate with others.
〇The Discord is only used as a substitute. Please don't forget to chat in the Team chat for the people who are not in the VC.
〇Impolite Behavior is prohibited anywhere. If we find that you are being rude to others, on your first offense you will be warned, if it doesn't get better you will be be removed from the server.
〇Personal VC room is allowed. There are a couple of VC rooms for anyone to use.
〇If you do not login for a while, you will be demoted to visitor without notification, and after that happens, and yet you don't come back for a while, you will be kicked from the Team.
(If you send a GJ to the Team master while you are a visitor, you will be promoted back up.)
But if you tell the Team leader, or one of the managers that you will be unable to login for a while, you will not be kicked from the Team.
〇If you are Impolite to other players, violate the PSO2 Terms of Service in the Team, and/or do something that will hurt/endanger the Team in anyway (whether it was online or offline), you will be removed from the Team without notice.